The new internet home of Paisley Perfect Photography

Hey everyone! Welcome to the new internet home of PPP! My name is Mandy, I’m the one behind the camera, the one answering your emails and calls, and now the one designing a website.

When I started Paisley Perfect Photography I knew I was in for an adventure. I thought at first it would be easy, I would be able to take photos all day and do all the things I love. For the first few years when I was just “playing” with having a business that is how it was.. As our kids got older and I had a little more time to pursue this dream I started getting busier and busier. Then in 2018 I opened my first studio, took my business to the next level and it became a much larger venture. It has been exciting, busy. scary at times and always rewarding. I have since learned that only about 10% of owning a photography business is actually taking photos. The rest is scheduling, office work, book keeping, advertising, editing and now I can add web design. Staff meetings mean I’m talking to myself, but most of the time I get a lot accomplished! Sometimes I hate my boss and sometimes I love her, it’s just the way it goes!

This website started as a small little project that I thought I would accomplish in an afternoon. Here we are more than a week later and it is still a work in progress. When I am done the new website will direct you to booking a session, your client galleries will be housed in a more secure location and the only way they will be accessible is with your personal link. You may share that link as you wish, but it will not be out on a public space any longer. This new blog I hope to use to keep up to date work out for everyone to enjoy. There are some kinks I am sure I need to work out, but it is all a learning curve. So, if you are one of my loyal clients, I thank you, I couldn’t do this without you. If you are new to PPP and the website, welcome, I am glad to have you here! Leave a comment below and let me know you’re here. Click the links and follow me on socials, send me a message and lets get to know each other, and if you are in need of a photographer, I’m your girl! If you love the new website, or if you think there is something I need to work on, let me know.


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