Christmas is Coming!

Every year I swear I’m going to get my Christmas sessions together and promoted sooner, I promise myself I am going to go into the season planned and prepared, and every year is sneaks up on me! This year as I put up the Christmas tree in the studio and added the final touches while wearing my “spooky season” sweatshirt was no different. If you follow me on social media you will see the multi seasonal clash of everything I have going on, and while I have my sets planned and photos of those taken, I’ve yet to get promos of these sessions with a model in front of them. This year I’ve created 5 beautiful sets for your Christmas sessions. Make sure you scroll through all of them, my favorite is at the end! Do you already know that you’re ready to book? You can do so here - Book Now!

The first set is this beautiful kitchen and I am so excited for it! I can just see all of you “baking” cookies and capturing some memories of a lifetime of tradition.

Next we have this cozy bedroom that just asking for your Christmas jammies, some snuggles and maybe a little jumping on the bed!

You all know when I can use my pretty red couch I’m going to! Just look at this set, perfect for a classic family photo, maybe reading “The night before Christmas” or sipping some hot cocoa!

The Peppermint Avenue is perfect for your holiday attire, maybe even a jacket and scarf. This set is going to be a beautiful and fun set with some fun peppermint props added in!

And last but not least, my favorite! These elegant Christmas lighted barn doors are perfect for everyone! Dressed up or down this set is so pretty! I can see little ones in their Christmas dresses dancing, couples snuggled and so much more with this one!

Now that you’ve seen them all, which is your favorite? Are you planning your outfits and getting ready for your session? Don’t forget to book one now, they are filling up fast!


New Year, New Goals?


Fall is in the air!